Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Black Dot on the White Paper....

The Question/Topic of the Day.

My business unit had the usual monthly potluck for lunch. Let me back up a little... I have been working for the company going on two years and was just transferred to a new office and department. So I was considered one of the new individuals in the office. After everyone ate and I finish talking to the manager of the office, introduction begun The manager literally introduced every new person in the office from the interns to the receptionist; and skipped over me. Another guy had to remind him of the 'black dot on the white paper' -the obvious ME! After I was skipped over, I went ahead and introduced myself, since no one could do it for me. So my questions is 'do you get upset when your boss forgets to introduce the only black person in the room or do you shake it off because you know you still get paid no matter how ignorant people can be?'

Give me your thoughts ........

"Don’t sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them." Madame CJ Walker